
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:09:56


One day, Ise is doing one's assignment, but he for is perplexed together by the physical topic.His daddy sees him with a worried look, asks him:"Does the son, do you have question?"
"I have physics not to be able to write together do.
Lets the daddy teach you! "
"And so on, why hadn't your topic all looked knew certainly can do?"
"Because I am adult, adult understands certainly many."
"The daddy you knew who the electric lamp is invents?"
"Simple! Edison."
"But why then invents the electric lamp is Edison is not his daddy?"
This story tells us , after Yangtze River the wave pushes the wave, we should dare to innovate, do not have to fetter by predecessor's consciousness.

One day, Ise is doing one's assignment, but he for is perplexed together by the physical topic.His daddy sees him with a worried look, asks him:`Does the son, what question have?&