
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 19:28:02
希望大家翻译时用词尽可能优美点.悬赏分100.三.国际营销广告语的翻译技巧 (一)直译法 ,直译是最古老的翻译方法, 并在广告翻译中占有重要的地位。由于广告语大部分是陈述性的, 它给我们的印象是简洁、不做作, 而这正是直译追求的意境。直译要求译文和原文的形式、结构尽量一致, 从而在有效表达原文意义的同时, 反映原文的风格。例如: “典雅大方(elegant and graceful)”, “畅销全球( sell well over the world)”, “汰渍到,污垢逃( Tide’s in , dirt’s off )”; “Double delicious , Double your pleasure (双份美味, 双份愉悦)”, “Coca - Cola is it(还是可口可乐好)”, “My Paris is in a perfume (巴黎恰在香水中)”. 再如“Kiss your coughs goodbye (一种新型感冒药的广告)被译为“一吻去感冒”, 简洁形象地概括了药的作用, 语言生动形象, 使人情不自禁地想多读几遍。 (二)音译法 ,在商品品名的翻译时,我们经常会遇到不少品名在目的语里找不到对应的词汇来表示。在这种情况下,通常都是采用音译的翻译方法来处理的。如:PierreCardin(皮尔•卡丹),Kodak (柯达彩色胶卷),Philip s (飞利浦电器),青岛啤酒 Tsingdao beer等, 这些品牌都采用音译。汉语属于表意文字,它不能直接表示音位,所以,我国有不少产品的品名都是采用汉语拼音的方法为汉字注音的,主要用来帮助外国人学习汉语、或音译人名、地名等等。在翻译时也要顾及到广告语言中词汇的情感意义,其交际价值在于能最大限度地扩大一个词的愉悦联想。比如;以中国药科大学教授命名的“丁家宜”精华护肤霜系列产品的品名原来是用汉语拼音“Dingjiayi”来表达的,但不如现在改用“Tjoy”的好。因为”Tjoy”不仅在语音上是“丁家宜”的谐音,而且其含义还可以引发人们产生愉快的联想,给人留下深刻的印象。其中的T可以令人想起服装展示中的T型舞台和模特儿的靓丽身影,而且joy本身就是一个令人愉悦的词汇。

3. International marketing advertising language translation skills (1) literal, the literal translation is the most ancient method of advertising translation and occupy an important position. Because most of the advertising language of the statement, it gives us the impression that simple, not contrived, and this is the literal translation pursuit of artistic conception. Literal translation and the original request asked in the form of the same structure as much as possible, so as to effectively express the meaning of the original text, reflecting the original style. For example: "elegant generous (elegant and graceful)," "best-selling global (sell well over the world)", "Tide that dirt escape (Tide's in, dirt's off)"; "Double delicious, Double your pleasure ( double delicious, double pleasure) "," Coca - Cola is it (good or Coca-Cola) "," My Paris is in a perfume (Baliqia in perfume). " Again "Kiss your coughs