
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 20:36:17
Hecate, most lovely One, the distant One.

You are Thracian Goddess of the Moon,

the dark hours and the underworld.

You are the Crone; Queen of the world of spirits.

You are the Goddess of Witchcraft

Snake Goddess, Great Mother; Great Goddess of Nature.

You are the daughter of Tartaros and Night which were two Titans.

Goddess of the Amazons.

Your chariot is pulled by dragons.

You can change forms or ages and rejuvenate or kill.

You are the third moon aspect as the Hag, Dark Moon, or the Crone.

You are revered as the Carrier of Wisdom.

Your hounds accompany you.

Your symbols are the athame, torch, scourge, key and the cauldron.

Your festivals were held at night by torchlight.

August 13th is your day that we honor you.

You are a huntress Goddess

who knows your way in the realm of

Hecate, most lovely One, the distant One.
赫卡忒,最美丽动人, 遥远的那位,

You are Thracian Goddess of the Moon,

the dark hours and the underworld.

You are the Crone; Queen of the world of spirits.
您是慈祥与智慧的象征 (注:正如月神是三神一体, 新月, 圆月, 消失的月~~ 女神也有少女 (Maiden -- Persephone), 母亲 (Mother -- Demeter), 老人 (Crone) 一说, Hecate~~ 英文中的Crone 指得是失去了容颜的女人~~ 但实际上是指慈祥, 智慧, 有经验的人), 幽灵世界的女皇

You are the Goddess of Witchcraft

Snake Goddess, Great Mother; Great Goddess of Nature.
蛇之神, 伟大的母亲, 伟大的自然之神

You are the daughter of Tartaros and Night which were two Titans.
您是两位泰坦神, 塔尔塔洛斯和黑夜的女儿

Goddess of the Amazons.

Your chariot is pulled by dragons.

You can change forms or ages and rejuvenate or kill.
您可以改变自己的模样, 年纪, 以及万物的复活或毁灭

You are the third moon aspect as the Hag, Dark Moon, or the Crone. <