
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 03:17:50
在LOCKER的换下一课书的时候,有男生挡着我LOCKER了,我跟人家说"excuse me",然后那男生学我的口气说"excuse me",然后又说"excuse me, i love u" ,我当时浑然不知顺口说了句"thank you"(开玩笑口气)
因为我也经常用THANK U来回应一个朋友的I LOVE U来着
然后他好象嘟囔什么"i didnt say love you to u",然后我也很玩笑回了句:"i didnt say thank you to you"



没有那么多时间说一串啊 我有时间说人家还没时间听呢...
说一半人家来个"enough,i was just kidding"然后走了,我多尴尬呀..

at first u gotta make sure did the man speak 2 u? if so then tell him u r funny or cute or whatever, dun get offence usually american like to flirting around dun worry abot it be yourself

and can u tell me ur MSN ID or Yahoo message id i want 2 be ur friend im in auz

my email scott_lovexx@yahoo.com send watever ur ID is thx

我觉得你答得很好,而且幽默及酷.假如他不来后面那句,你的thank you 是很礼貌的,而且大体.他来了那句: I didn't say i love you, 你加那句I didn'y say thank you to you.便是幽默了.

I am sorry I don't~

要能反驳他,又不失大体的回应,不要让自己尴尬,并且带点幽默感和酷酷点的感觉, 你可说:

Are you? Thank you but I don't think I love you... 再酷一点, and it's not funny...

Yes, I know and you are not the first one say this to me. There are so many guys tell me about this. Anyway, thanks!