家乐福的STORE BUSINESS CONTROLOR 具体是做什么的?有前途吗?我是学市场营销的本科生

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 23:52:52

听起来蛮有意思的,上网找了一下,借鉴一下宜家对Store Business Controller的要求(括号内不是翻译,而是本人的理解):

The purpose and main task of the Store Business Controller is to help determine the direction for the store based on analyses of the past and present, and through the construction of scenarios for the future.

The Store Business Controller requires insight into all business processes in the store. In his or her role, the Store Business Controller is an excellent sparring partner for the Store Manager and the Human Resources Manager well as other managers in issues regarding the general development of the store.

Your responsibilities
- Collaborate with peers to plan and implement short and long-term strategies to improve operational efficiency and create a positive shopping experience. (仍然是强调执行层面的工作)
- Prepare and update forecasts and