
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 02:32:15

从历史的发展角度,肯定是先有农村的,国家的概念也是农村、土地的范畴,到了商代,手工业发达后,商业交换频繁,才使得一部分商人和相关行业走入相对聚集的城镇。所以在词汇产生的源头上,country既有农村,又有国家的概念,但现在说农村,一般用:rural area/district

1234, from O.Fr. cuntree, from V.L. *(terra) contrata "(land) lying opposite," or "(land) spread before one," from L. contra "opposite." To Eng. as "district," narrowed 1526 to rural areas, as opposed to cities. Replaced O.E. land. First record of countryside is 1621. Countrified is from 1653. First record of country-and-western music style is from 1959. Country club first recorded 1894.

如果直接说country 就是只国家,但加上了the 就变成了the country ,就是农村了..