加拿大 什么大学的精算师专业比较好?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 11:58:02
加拿大 什么大学的精算师专业比较好?

U of Toronto/多伦多大学
U of waterloo/滑铁卢大学


omg ...look at the answer from the first floor....i doubt that person has ever lived in ca ..actsc of queen's and mcgill..!? ...that's absolutely jokes ... do they even have actsc program there ...!? ..... no comment of u of t...my friends there will kill me if i say anything .....

nevertheless...come to uw ...(university of waterloo)..u wont regret for ur choice.. just be aware of the workload though......anyways ..u wont know it untill u get here ... (ps .. 7 midterms in 4 weeks .... damn ...)