
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 20:48:46

pass sth around 把---传递给(---中的)每个人
A picture was passed around the class.班上的同学传看一幅画

pass away 亡故;消失
She passed away peacefully in her sleep她是在睡梦中安详地过世的

pass between sb 在(两人的眉目,语言等)之间
A look of understanding passed between Ann and Carla安和卡拉心照不宣地交换了一下目光

pass by 过去;逝去
The weeks passed by and sha didn't call几个星期过去了,她没打电话来

pass by sb/sth 通过;经过
I saw the procession pass by我看见队伍走过

pass sb/sth by 未影响(某人或某事)
The whole business passed him by他没有察觉到发生了什么事

pass sth down 流传;使世代相传
Some of the furniture has been passed down through the family有些家具是一代一代传下来的

pass for /as sb 被当作某人,被看成某人
He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman他说法语很流利,很容易被当作法国人

pass into sth 成为其中一部分;溶入;纳入
Many foreign words have passed into English许多外来词语已被英语吸收过来

pass off 事情---地过去;(疼痛,药效)逐渐消失
The symptoms should pass off within 24 hours症状应该在24小时内消失

pass on 开始下一项(活动,