麻烦谁给篇关于介绍trial pattern的英文文章好吗

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 06:59:39
麻烦谁给篇关于介绍trial pattern的英文文章好吗,最好能长一点``谢谢了,急用
怪我没说清楚``关于美国审判模式的介绍,我觉得翻译成trial pattern没问题吧,谁有好的文章麻烦给个哦,谢谢拉``还有kulalover 仁兄,你的地址打不开呢

US Supreme Court continues pattern of pro-corporate rulings

Last week the US Supreme Court issued two opinions sharply curtailing investor rights to sue for fraud and other abuses in the sale of corporate shares.

In the case Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC v. Billing, investors filed suit alleging that major investment banks acting as underwriters violated the federal antitrust laws when they formed syndicates to publicly sell initial shares in hundreds of companies during the 1990s technology bubble. In order to garner excessive commissions, the underwriters would not sell the shares unless the investors agreed to purchase at a later date additional shares at higher prices as well as other shares in less desirable companies, and to pay unusually high commissions rates.

The court did not dispute that such practices could violate the antitrust laws. But, in a 7-1 decision written by Justice Stephen Breyer, the court ruled that the lawsuit could not