
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 10:50:23

The promise looks up Dan Mas when the 16th century, writes down one named "Various Centuries" the prediction poetry anthology, in the poem writes is the panic-stricken refined language sentence, describes humanity's weekend to approach.
The promise looked up Dan Mas (Nostradamus) to be born in December, 1503 14 France, died in July 2, 1566.He is a doctor, moreover becomes famous by the remarkable astrology talent, the French believes extremely to him admires.Two th all summon including Dharma king Henry please to enter the palace, invites him for the national prediction good and bad fortune fortune and misfortune.After five years, leaves the palace, arrived the sand to be prosperous, spends four years to complete a bunche book.This book, is the famous work "Various Centuries" (Les siecles).

The entire book divides into 12 volumes, various volumes all receivehave 100 four poems, each poem all is predicted, predicted the futureworld will be ab