各位大虾有没有sandwich的来源故事 要英文版的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 12:47:06
各位帮帮忙 小弟多谢了

About three hundred words in the English language come from the names of people. Many of these words are technical words. When there is a new invention or discovery, a new word may be coined after the inventor or scientist.

It is interesting to observe how many common words have found their way into the language from the names of people. Lord Sandwich who lived from 1718-1792 used to sit at the gambling(赌博) table eating slices of bread with meat in between. As the Lord was the only one among his friends who ate bread in that way, his friends began to call the bread "sandwich" for fun. Later on the word became part of the English language.

你喜欢三明治? 三明治是一种大众食品,在西方国家.如果你把肉类,蔬菜,奶酪或其他食品两件一起放入 面包,它将有夹层. 人们叫三明治,约翰Montagu举行,四楼的厄尔sandwich.他喜欢赌博.他他喜欢作夹心 当他很忙碌,让他能吃饭时,他没有其他可吃的.人们以为这是不好 这样做,但有三明治的名字从他. 人们只能吃三明治,在餐厅或在家中,作为一个快吃饭或部分较大晚餐.你可以采取 。他们在学校工作.当你玩或旅行外,三明治也是好的食物便以携带。