帮忙翻译下关于人力资源管理的内容 十分谢谢!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/05 19:17:57

关键词:薪酬体系 薪酬制度 建筑行业

The most valuable of all resources, corporate wealth is the main component. The management of human resources management in the enterprise pay is very important, as a means to encourage enterprises and the basic dynamic mechanism related to the enthusiasm and creativity of the staff of the play, is the source of the vitality of enterprises. Human resources are the enterprises
In this paper, China Railway 13th Bureau Group Third Engineering Company Limited, the current pay system analysis, the company described the pay system settings, the pay system, as well as how to implement the establishment of effective management. Companies pay system introduced in the pay system (including salaries and the principle of distribution form, the basic unit of distribution of salaries, salary structure, pay grades), the pay system for effective management, the construction industry pay in the state.