Part 3 Replacement

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 16:04:16
Part 3 Replacement
(每小题:2 分)
Directions: Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with expressions or phrases using the key word(s) supplied in the brackets. Please take care to use the right form and keep the original meaning.

26. To some degree experience is more important than an academic degree, because employers like to find out the past experience of applicants. (check)

27. Now the government is giving the right to all the citizens to buy and sell all kinds of goods that the laws allow. (deal, v.)

28. The government was greatly embarrassed to find out that the situation in the Middle East was out of its control. (embarrassment)

29. After 2 weeks' holiday she started feeling better or stronger with renewed vigor. (bounce)

30. The author may choose to use a characteristic work, something characterized by its time

26.find out-->check and sell-->deal in/deal with
28.greatly embarrassed --> of great embarrassment
29. renewed -->bounced
30.characterized-->typical of OR characteristic->typical
31.lie in -->derive from
32.have a close connection with -->are associated with
33.put the best clothes on their children -->dress their children in best clothes
34.take trouble -->bother
35.studying-->working on