
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 04:55:57
奥运会的全称是“奥林”,“奥林匹克”是希腊的地名“奥林匹亚”。奥林匹亚位于雅典的阿尔菲斯山谷,这里气候宜人,古希腊人在这里建起了许多神殿,因此,古人把这块土地叫做阿尔菲斯神城,固称"圣地"奥林匹亚, 海区域其他国家的人们,常常在祭奠和收获的季节举行盛大集会,并进行各种游乐和竞技活动,热闹非凡。这项活动分散在各地, 他的举办不定期。但奥林匹亚的集会最为盛大.

Olympics name is "Olympus", "Olympic" is the Greek name "Olympia." Olympiakos in Athens Aerfeishi Valley, where a pleasant climate here in the ancient Greeks built the Parthenon many, therefore, the ancient god of the land known as Aerfeishi City, solid-called "Holy Land" Olympia, sea and other countries in the region people often in remembrance of the harvest season and held a grand assembly, and various recreational and athletic activities and filled with people. This activity scattered in various parts of his holding irregular. But Olympia's most grand assembly.