
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 20:03:31


The summary _ mental health education is the importance of the education for all-round development to constitute part.In recent years, the primary and junior high school living to cause because of morbid psychology mental and the error of behavior, even commit crime of phenomenon have occurrence, seriously influenced the student's mind and body health and develop, even endangered a family and endangered society.The reason which results in the primary school living a mental and healthy problem is various and the education method which studies pressure, society influence, family environment and teacher is an important reason.The school teacher should change education standpoint, improvement education method, living the characteristics of mental development according to the primary school, pass school, family and student to educate on his/her own etc. many outlets, many path to strengthen our country the primary school living of mental health education, exaltation student mental ch