
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 11:23:19

the scandal is an unmistakeable embarrassment to the Labour Party who is working for winning the elections

i was working hard on my semester-article,but my younger sister repeatedly rushed into my room and disturbed me.
i asked her for several times,but she always refuse to answer

this scandal is no doubt an embarassing matter to the winning lobor party.

i am working hard on my semester thesis, but my sister is constantly comeing into my room to disturb me.

i asked her several times, but she refuses to answer my question.

1. This scandal is winning the election to the strength Labor Party tosay that, without doubt is an awkward matter.
2. I diligently am writing the term paper, but my little youngersister actually unceasingly flushes my room to disturb me.
3. I asked her several times, but she refuses to answer my question.

1.This scandal is in the dint to just win the Labour Party of the election to say, is an emba