今天我陪同学看了一下午的笔记本电脑 怎么翻译?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/17 00:57:46

This afternoon I went with my classmate to look for a laptop

楼下的,楼主看电脑不是真看,而是有收集信息买的意思,因此,不能用 look at,看电脑不是有意去看某个电脑,而是泛泛看,因此不用the,而只能用a,请不要误导人家

I accompanied my classmate to look for a notebook PC all the afternoon

I accompanied my classmate choosing laptop all afternoon

i went with my classmate for looking at the laptop the whole afternoon.

I spent my whole afternoon in accompaning my classmate for PC.