
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 13:50:37

在很长时间内,我们只懂得珍惜皇城古庙、古玩字画,却很少把古代民宅视为古迹文物,纳入我们文物保护视角的通常只是古都的象征性标志,却不懂得如何保护这座城市的整体历史氛围。从城市的经济性出发,从改善民众居住条件出发,从激发房地产开发商投资北京建设的需要出发,从缓解北京日益拥挤的交通状况 出发,我们有一千条理由拆掉那些妨碍北京发展的狭窄的胡同和年久失修的老房。


Nowadays the population density of urbanized area in Beijing is 1.7 times as much as New York ,which is said to be 15,000 persons per kilometer square,while the figure in London is about 5000 persons per kilometer square and Paris,8,000 persons per kilometer square.we can draw the conclusion from this that the large difference between Beijing and other world metropolises is still existing there. further more,beijing is a city heavily short of water.overworking on exploiting groundwater over the years to 1000 kilometer squares' land surrounding the downtown area has caused serious pollution problems.

for a long time in the past,we've been so wrong that we only cherish those palaces ,famous temples,the curiosities ,and tradional chinese painting and so on,but blinded to see those ancient civilians' family houses and treat them as ancient cultural relics.usually,we could only see those highlighted city's symbols,which are marked as city's culture protecti