
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 21:35:22
4. C-E 旧梦重温意大利是我最喜欢的一个欧洲国家。罗马是建在七山之上的城市,拥有大小500座教堂,我几乎都去过了。最大的是圣彼得。梵蒂冈就是在圣彼得教堂附近,是罗马教皇的宫殿,这是一个“国中之国”!我进去看了,只记得门警是瑞士兵士,穿着黄色制服,别的没有印象了。佛罗伦萨给我留下的,除了美术馆里的雕像和壁画之外,还有一座座府第墙壁上的灯座,每座灯下都有一只栓马的铁环,是聚会或宴会时栓马用的,十分别致!一地同志关于这些地方的描写,由于时代和注意点的不同,使我看到了那些地方的许多其他的侧面,也扩大了我的知识。我应该说一地同志这本回忆童年和旅游的散文集子,不但是青少年最好的读物,大人们也应当拿来看看。因为这是一本写情真挚、写景鲜明;流畅、健康、引人向上的散文作品。

5E-C I am baffled. How is it done? I ask the question again, my voice rises to a scream of envy and vexation. Consider what is involved in this matter ( so lightly touched upon and dismissed) of music or water-colour painting or fine writing, what years of serious application, of drudgery at the keyboard, the easel, or the writing-desk. It is one thing to strum on the piano, as you and I do, fakign the left-hand passages as we go along, or to daub a few patchy water-colours, or to paste on to clumsy prose some old spangles of rhetoric, and it is quite another thing to be an accomplished musician or artist or writer. If the first were meant. I co

4. CE旧梦重温Italy is my favorite European country. Rome is built on seven mountains above the city with size 500 churches, I visited almost all the. The largest is St. Peter. The Vatican is in the vicinity of St. Peter church is the pope's palace, this is a "country within a country"! I get read, only remember门警Swiss soldiers, wearing yellow uniforms, no impression on the other. I was in Florence, in addition to the statue and the Museum of Fine Arts, murals, there are a Block府第walls on the lampholders, each lamps have a suppository horse铁环is meeting or banquet at the suppository MA this way, very chic! One place where the comrades on the description, because the times and different points of attention, so that I can see that many of those places other side, but also expand my knowledge. I should say this one place comrades recalled childhood and tourism prose集子, is not only the best young people's books, the people should also be used to look at. Because this is a si