
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 10:20:48
In the United States, much new technology and many new products, components and services now reside in, and are owned by, small companies. These small, even tiny companies, are frequently formed when professors and research scientists, engineers and technicians, who have been studying and doing research in certain fields, leave large institutions and form small entrepreneurial type companies to exploit and produce their new findings. Examples would include professors leaving the Universities of Wisconsin威斯康辛, Iowa State爱荷华州 and Purdue and forming companies in the new bio-genetics areas, performing gene splitting, and producing new products in animal and plant life, and pharmaceuticals as well. Other examples would include professors leaving the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of California at Berkeley and Stanford University to form new small companies in the computer science and electronic areas. Former scientists at the University of Utah now own and operate sev



IBM,General Electric(通用电气),Hewlett Packard(惠普)等大型公司的职员也频繁跳槽成立自己的小公司,进行新的先进产品、服务及技术的开发、生产与营销,例如用于替代硅的砷化镓高速半导体。