
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 06:15:41
@echo off
set include=F:\E\winasm\wasm\include
set lib=F:\E\winasm\wasm\lib
set path=F:\E\winasm\wasm\bin;
if exist %1.exe del %1.exe
ml /c /coff %1.asm
if not exist %1.obj goto mlerr
echo without the resource file.
del %1.obj %1.ilk
goto over
echo Resource file error!
echo assemble error!
echo on

@echo off
set include=F:\E\winasm\wasm\include
set lib=F:\E\winasm\wasm\lib
set path=F:\E\winasm\wasm\bin;
if exist %1.exe del %1.exe 存在同名文件就删除
ml /c /coff %1.asm 编译该文件
if not exist %1.obj goto mlerr不存在obj就跳到mlerr
Link /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS %1.obj 存在obj就连接成.exe
echo without the resource file. 输出 没有资源文件
del %1.obj %1.ilk 删除.obj删除.ilk
goto over 跳到over
echo Resource file error! 输出资源文件错误
echo assemble error! 输出 汇编错误
echo on 打开输出