
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 08:13:57


Can I help you?(What can I do for you ?)\我能帮你什么吗?
What's size do you want to buy?\你想要什么尺寸的?
Which color would you like?\你喜欢什么颜色?
How do you like this,ma'am?\夫人,这件您喜欢吗?
It's in fashion now.\现在正流行。
This is your size, it's a lovely dress and very smart.\这是您要的尺寸,这件衣服很漂亮,非常时髦。
Would you like to try it?\您要不要试试?
Maybe a little dearer, but the quality is very good.\价格可能稍贵些,不过,质量非常好。
It's in fashion now.\现在正流行。
It looks just great on you.您穿这衣服真是棒极了。
Please come with me to the fitting room.\请随我到试衣间。
It's about *** yuan.\大约***元.
Here you are.\给你(把东西递给别人或是找钱时).
毛衣sweater T恤T-shirt 衬衫shirt 裙子skirt 大号large size 中号medium sized 小号small sized

网上有很多的啊!!百度搜索“日常用语 英语”就有了