
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 05:37:11
China has witnessed rapid economic development over the past 19 years of reform and opening, with the Chinese economy moving toward the world, which, in turn, is gradually gaining a better understanding of the country. China's existing economic system and ongoing economic development have laid a solid foundation for promoting further exchanges and cooperation with the economies of various countries.
The evolving trend of economic globalization is a distinct characteristic of our time. Facing the new situation of the speedy development of economic globalization and China's accession to the WTO, we like to enhance economic and trade exchanges with all countries in the world under the principle of equality and mutual benefit, friendly consultation and common development, and make concerted efforts to contribute to the development of the world and the prosperity of mankind.
It cannot be denied that there will be significant short-term costs associated with China's

第三段的“but much of the costs will have to be incurred any way”比较口语化,不太适合整篇文章基调,建议改成"though much of the costs will have to be incurred."
第三段第六行"solve some short-term difficulties"搭配不当,建议改成"solve some short-term problems"
接下来The challenge of the Chinese government 改为"the Chinese government is facing the challenge of managing..."(原句很Chinglish~)
sufficiently skillfully 中间加一个and;




不可否认中国的加入世贸组织短期内会有一定的负面作用,然而不管怎样这是一个必经过程。 中国的WTO成员资格将会随着经济问题的合理解决而列上议事日程。成为WTO的一员不仅会有利于中国的长期经济繁荣,也会帮助中国解决一些短期内的经济困境。中国政府现在需要面对的挑战就是充分地运用技巧应对这些短期内面对的困难,这样可以随着时间的推移长期的经济利益可以弱化短期的问题。