varna & jati

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/04 05:52:39
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varna, refers to the wide spread notion that Indian society is ideally divided into priests, warriors, farmers and merchants - four fonctional subdivisions analogous to the estates of medieval and early modern Europe.
jati, refers to localized, named, endogamous groups. Although jati names are frequently the names of occupations, there is no agree upon way to group the many local jatis within one or the other of the four varnas, which is why jati members can disagree with others about where their own jati ought to belong.

varna指的是把印度人分为4种的观念, 而jati指的是局部区域内的实行内部通婚制的那些部落

The terms Varna (general classification based on occupation) and Jati (caste) are two distinct concepts. Varna (from Sanskrit, literally "arrangement") is a supposed unification of all the Hindu castes or jatis into either four groups: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, or into one of several varna-sankaras वर्ण संकर. Jati (community) is an endogamous group. Generally a sub-community is divided into exogamus groups based on same gotras गोत्र.

Many of the Hindus could be classified into a specific varna. But not all. During the British rule, several cases went to court to settle the "varna" of a sub-community. For example, the farmers are sometimes given Kshatriya status because many ruling Chieftains may have risen from them. On the other hand some classified them as Vaisya, based on an older occupation of artisans.