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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 04:52:23
冬天的雨,从天空而洒,夹杂着似雪非雪的冰滴,打在脸上刀割似的疼。惟有这冬天的雨才让你有这种感觉。 冬天的雨,虽然不曾有过春雨贵如油的美赞,却也毫无怨言,默默地向人们倾诉着,预报着:我的消失,白皑皑的雪天就在眼前了。冬天的雨,温暖的大气遗留下来的最后一点残迹,已没有了夏日暴风骤雨的豪情,也没有了秋雨的柔情万种,只有冬天的雨在一旁为给世间创造美好,尽着自己的微薄之力。

This is the winter of this year, the longest period of rain, and this so-called winter rain. The cold winter is composed of layers of sweaters, including a gross and羽绒服of Cashmere. I do not talk about the Dongxue winter dust, and does not call刺骨the north, to talk about yesterday's飘洒the winter rain.
Winter rain, which is my network name, I like. Winter rain this name very special, but also very meaningful, because I live in cities, rarely seen in winter rain, but also because I was born girlfriend is rain, there is her name inside a word (homonyms), we are winter acquaintance! So I like the name.
Winter rain from the sky and shower, like snow mixed with ice-snow drops, like a knife cuts in the face of pain. Only the rain this winter only let you have such a feeling. Winter rain, although you never had a spring rain as the US oil Zan, but also any complaints, quietly talk to the people, a prediction: I disappeared, white皑皑the snow in front of. Winter rain, warm atmosph