
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 15:03:45
但是当这位总领事起立致辞时,夏得教授却为之大起恐慌了,因为总领事说的是满口的福州话,他一句都听不懂。事到临头,他当然不能向商会当局临时解释中国方言太多,他根本听不懂福州话。在一瞬间的局促不安之后,教授情急生智,他竭力做出洗耳恭听的样子,不仅默不做声,而且大做其笔记。当领事演说完毕之后,只见夏氏从容起立,用英语为领事重新演说一番。一开头他便说,我这次离纽约返国,内心充满了一喜一悲的矛盾。喜的是即将重返祖国与亲朋久别重聚,悲的是与纽约诸新交旧识从此握别……夏氏如此这般发挥了一气,说的情文并茂。 当她的“翻译”演说结束的时候,全场热情洋溢,掌声如雷。

On one occasion, the Chinese consul general in New York outgoing home, the New York City Chamber of Commerce hosted a dinner for the Consul General give a farewell dinner party, the United States should be about a sinologist summer he served as consul general parting speech translation.
But when The consul general rose speech, it is summer in the professor from the big panic, because the consul general said that the Fuzhou dialect endless talk, he listens to understand sentence. Things to imminent, and of course, he can not explain to the Chamber of Commerce Interim Administration too many Chinese dialects, he simply did not understand Fuzhou dialect. The embarrassed in the blink of an eye, Professor Qingjishengzhi, efforts to listen to look not only mime不做声, it also do their Notes. When the consul after the speech, we saw夏氏calmly rose, with English as a consular re speech. Initially he said, I returned from New York, a heart full of a sad Hi contradictions. The joy is about t