关于billy brown

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 12:01:50
billy brown 歌词中文翻译


Oh Billy Brown had lived an ordinary life. billy brown的生活很简单
Two kids, a dog, and a cautionary wife. 一个做事小心谨慎的妻子,两个孩子和一条狗
While it was all going accordingly to plan 当所有的一切都如常进行时
Then Billy Brown fell in love with another man. billy brown爱上了另一个人

He met his lover almost every single day 他几乎每天都遇到他爱的那个人
Making excuses for his dodgy holiday, 为他巧妙的假日找籍口
On some religion that he said he'd newly found,他刚发现他某些心爱的事物
They didn’t know that his faith was earthly bound. 他们不知道信仰可能被约束

Brown…Oh, Billy Brown. brown……噢,billy brown
Don’t let the stars get you down不要让星辰打败你.
Don’t let the waves let you drown. 不要让海浪淹没你
Brown…Oh Billy Brown. brown……噢,billy brown
Gonna pick you up like a paper cup. 将要像拾纸杯般把你拉起
Gonna shake the water out of every nook. 将要把水从每个角落里倒出
Oh, Billy Brown. 噢,billy brown

Oh, Billy Brown needed a place, somewhere to go,噢,billy brown需要一个地方,到一个地方
He found an is