
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 12:36:37


LL: Hmmm, I need to do an errand Saturday morning. We may have to tweak our plans a little.

LH: Tweak our plans? Tweak这个字的发音有点怪。你的意思是要改变计划吗?

LL: Tweak, may be a funny-sounding word, but it means to adjust something just a little bit.

LH: Tweak的意思是稍微作些改动。 那你的意思是说星期六的计划要变喽。

LL: Right, we don't have to change our plans too much. If we just tweak the time a little bit and leave at 11:00, I can finish my errand, and we still have plenty of time to enjoy the exhibit.

LH: 没问题。我们把10:30出发改成11点出发就行了。不过我们也不能玩得太晚喽。

LL: Why is that?

LH: 我下个星期要在研讨会上宣读一篇论文。论文是写完了,但我还要作一些修改。

LL: If the paper is in English, Li Hua, I can help you tweak it by reading it after we get back tonight.

LH: 我是用英文写的, 你要是能帮我修改一下,那真是太好了。

LL: It would be my pleasure, Li Hua. Well, this has been a nice lunch, but I need to get back to work. I've had some ideas about how to tweak the com