
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 17:22:19
我选择马来西亚学习,是因为马来西亚是一个爱为和平又非常美丽的国家.我选择ELS语言中心,是因为它的英语教学方面在国际上处于领先地位,这里拥有学习英语的最佳环境,我爱你,ELS 语言中心.

I chose to study in Malaysia, because Malaysia is a love for peace and very beautiful country. ELS Language Center I choose, because it is the teaching of English in the world are in a leading position here with the best environment for learning English, I love you, ELS Language Center.
I chose Malaysia University, the University of Malaysia because Malaysia is the best universities, it has a beautiful environment and first-class teaching facilities, and students from all over the world, I believe they will be here to learn more knowledge. I love you, Malaysia University.
