
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 06:56:09
几个月前,我在香港看了一部美国爱情片名叫《No Reservations》。在这部电影中,Catherine Zeta Jone 饰演一名在曼哈顿一家高档法国餐厅工作大厨,她的生活非常有规律,整个一个工作狂,对她而言,生活就是工作工作再工作,而且作风严谨,决不允许任何人破坏她的菜品质量,甚至会为一道菜同不懂烹饪乱指挥的客人“大打出手“。


A few months ago, I read an in Hong Kong the United States romance called "No Reservations." In this film, Catherine Zeta Jone playing in a Manhattan restaurant of a luxury French chef, her life is very orderly, the whole a workaholic, and her, life is work work work again, and rigorous style, summary She will not allow anyone to undermine the quality of the dishes, and even for cooking a dish with non-arbitrary command guests "fight."
But one day, her life has changed completely. Kate's sister died when the car left the young niece Zuoyi, Kate must shoulder the responsibility of taking care of Zuoyi. Kate can be no matter how carefully produced exclusively from food to help Zuoyi丧母pain are of no avail, and this has been a loss of confidence especially her. What Kate feeling horrible, she repeated pleas boss requested under a false worship RBI sister corpse found back when the restaurant was hired new vice kitchen, a different character from her, opera-