
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 23:12:36
翘曲变形问题的解决使零件数量得以减少,而且易于相互连接在一起作为更大的整件加以组装,从而最终解决了福特追求的零部件标准化问题。所有的零件全部可以互换,始终如一,而且相互连接非常方便,这才为设立组装线提供了可能。互换、简单、组装方便,所有这些都使福特比他的竞争对手拥有巨大的优势。在管理上,福特最大限度地应用了分工的思想,不仅在工厂里进行分工,在工程部里也划分专业分工。阿尔弗雷德·斯隆还提出了各个分部分散经营的思想,并按顾客购买能力将产品划分不同档次系列。这些技术和管理上的创新,形成了高生产率和低成本两项巨大的竞争优势,使得福特与 GM汽车公司,淘汰了几乎所有的单件汽车制造厂。在那个时代,企业的核心竞争力系统呈现为二元结构:高生产率+低成本。正是凭借这种结构,使得美国在汽车工业中占据了长达40多年的竞争优势。

In the early 20th century, Henry Ford created a production pipeline based on the mass production methods. Technically, the machine was already hardened to handle the processing of metal, heat treatment and mechanical parts from the warping deformation in the past can not be standardized parts bane.
Warpage solution to the problem to reduce the number of parts, and easy to connect with each other as a whole to be greater assembly, which eventually resolved the pursuit of the Ford parts standardization issues. All all interchangeable parts, consistent, and linked to one another very convenient, this assembly line for the establishment of the possibility. The exchange, simple, easy assembly, all of which enable Ford than his competitors has a huge advantage. In terms of management, the Ford division of the maximum application of ideology, not only a division of labor in the factory, also in the engineering division in the professional division. Alfredo Deshilong also raised vario