英语题目 考试的 救命啊~~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/10 05:43:13
1) Force N1 (比力N2大2.5倍).
2) When she got home, (孩子们已经睡着了).
3) Computer models (可以用来演示细胞工作的方式).
4) It’s a pity. (你本应该邀请她来参加你的毕业典礼的).
5) Hugh usually talks (仿佛在大会上发表演说似的)
6)Mr Green was wondering (是否去看望在法国的儿子).
7) The cars (停在消防通道的) will be ticketed
8) (每天洗冷水澡) does him a lot of good.
9) Success means (非常努力地工作).
10) (最让我不解的) was that he spoke English so well.
11) The old lady died (在她儿子到达的那天).
12) (不管我们谈论什么), Jim brings polities into the discussion.
13) This is (他画的最好的画之一).
14)No sooner had Anne arrived (就生病了).
15) (正是Jefferson写下了)the Declaration of Independence.

1) The earth is 49 times the size of the moon .
2)He joined the army in October, 2001. He has been in the army for 5 years.
3) The blackboard and chalk is being replaced by the computer and the projector.
4) Effective measures must be taken immediately to eliminate sandy storms.
5) You scr

force 1 is two point finve times bigger than force 2
when she got home,the children had gone to sleep
computer moldels can shows the way of cell's work
it's a pity.you would have invited her to join your graduating party.
Hugh usually talks as making a speech in the convention.
Mr Green is wondering if he looked at his son in the France
the cars which stop in the fire flighting channels will be ticketed