
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 08:36:38


Fire, harnessed in our furnaces and cars, serves our purposes and makes our lives more comfortable. However, the ingenuity and cleverness that allowed us to tame nature has not been coupled with the wisdom to recognize the danger that lurks in eradicating wildness.

Fires, like wolves, are a part of the landscape, they are a keystone component?an influential force that shapes what they feed upon. As Doug Chadwick so beautifully wrote in The Kingdom, "I do not think it possible to truly understand even one leg muscle of one elk in the absence of wolves. Not a single leap of a single deer, nor any traverse of any mountain goat across a winterbound cliff wall. The size and endurance of hoofed beasts on this continent; their speed, coordination, and quicksilver reactions, their social structure and communication abilities?wolves sang these things into their present form." In less eloquent words, wild ungulates, without wolves, would evolve into