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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 03:06:40
众所周知,英美人同外国人谈话时总是没有像他们自己相互间交谈时那么随便自如。作为导游翻译,游客可以从你的导游或谈吐中听出你的英语程度来。导游语言是一种口头文学语言。生动形象,幽默风趣,是导游语言美之所在。导游的语言应具有感染力,这对激发游客的兴趣起着关键作用。如果导游员的语言表达总是平淡的或背书式的呆板、单调、缺乏幽默语言的品位,连一个恰当的俚语也不用,往往会使游客在心理上留下一个缺乏幽默感、讲话平淡无味印象。 而俚语这一富于创造性和表现力,立意新奇,生动形象,富有幽默感的词语恰好可以弥补这个缺憾,如果你能善于运用幽默导游的语言技巧,恰如其分地使用一些俚语,不但有助于提高导游语言的表现力和想像力,活跃旅游气氛,还有助于增进与游客的感情交流。

As we all know, Britain and the United States people always talk with foreigners as they did not talk to each other, then casually comfortable. Translation as tour guides, tourists can be your tour guide or a conversation to listen to your level of English. Guide language is a language oral literature. Vivid, humorous, and the United States is where the language guides. Guide language should have appeal, which stimulate the interest of visitors plays a key role. If the tour guides always plain language of the endorsement or dull, monotonous, the lack of language grade humor, and even a proper slang they do not have, often cause psychological tourists left a lack of a sense of humour, the speech is bland and tasteless impression . And the slang and be creative and expressive, and is novel, vivid and full of humorous words just can make up for this flaw, if you can be good at using humor guides language skills appropriate to use some slang, will not only help improve the guided tours