
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 18:50:42
位于渑池县城北9公里处的仰韶村,总面积近30万平方米,是我国新石器时代最著名的文化遗址之一。遗址文化层厚约 2米,最厚处达4米,自下而上分别是仰韶文化中期、仰韶文化晚期、龙山文化早期、龙山文化中期。自1921年瑞典人安特生发现这处遗址以来,这里已陆续发掘出一大批的石斧、石铲、石锄、石刀、骨锥、骨针等文物。仰韶文化中最具特色的要数精美的彩陶,当时人们的生活用具均为陶质,有陶鼎、罐、碗、盆、钵、杯、瓮、缸等,陶器上的装饰图案非常引人注目,纹饰有宽带纹、网纹、花瓣纹、鱼纹、弦纹和几何图形纹等。 1961年3月国务院将仰韶文化遗址定为国家重点文物保护单位。

Mianchexian located nine kilometers north of the Yangshao Village, with a total area of nearly 300,000 square meters, is China's Neolithic one of the most famous cultural sites. Cultural sites about two meters thick, the thickest of the four meters, respectively Yangshao culture medium-term bottom-up, Yangshao culture late Longshan Culture early, the Longshan culture medium. Since 1921 Swedes Antrobus Department of Health found that this site has been here has started to explore a large number of stone axes and stone shovel, hoe stone, stone knives, bone cone, bone needles and other artifacts. Yangshao culture in the most unique to a few beautifully painted pottery, when people's lives are Ceramic appliances, Daozhen, cans, bowls, pots, bowl, cup, jar, cylinder, the decorative patterns on the pottery is soliciting attention, decoration have broadband stripes, Netted, petal pattern, Yu Wen, Xianwen and geometric shapes such as profiling. In March 1961 the State Council will Y