
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/26 03:33:11

I've made a 20 percent discount for you. And would you please tell me the number of the offered free item?

I have already provided 20% discount for you, moreover asked you totell me to choose the complimentary gift the number

20% off we offered already for you ,please let me know what's a code of free item as a gift (or bonus) you would be selecting ?

I have to offer you a 20 per cent discount, and you tell me the number of the selected gifts.

I have offered you 20percent discount for you,in addition ,please let me know a code of the freebie you have selected.

我已经为您提供了20%的折扣,另外请您告诉我所选赠品的号码. 我已经定了电子机票,但是临时有事能不能改签后几天的。还能不能享受同等的折扣? 哪位网友能为我提供一些 索尼DV方面的知识,最好是自己本人已经拥有该品牌,我想购买一款,再次谢了 如果其他公司为您提供了更高的薪水,您会离开我公司吗? 我的小狗已经被确诊为狗瘟热了, 我都已经20岁了可是为什麼我的乳头都没有呢? 供应商提供的商业信用条件是(2/20,N/40),则放弃现金折扣的机会成本? 请问火车票价的制定标准?何为新空二挡折扣、新空一挡折扣? 警方称已“我提供的信息已经掌握了"是什么意思? 我的冒险岛出现您已经进入不健康状态,系统已经将您的收益已降为零以后我=了1天打怪还不给经验