
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/27 16:04:05
1.着就是我梦想中的家!我们什么时候可以搬进来?(dream of)
2.你可以跟我说实话,因为我很了解这个情况。(be honest with;be familiar with)
3.他很喜欢拿别人来开玩笑,但是对别人开他玩笑却非常敏感(play jokes on;sensitive)

This is the house I'm dreaming of. When could I move in?
You could be honest with me, for I am familiar with the situation.
He likes to play jokes on others, but he is sensitive to the jokes on himself.

1 This is the home I used to dream of! When can we move into here?

2 You can be honest with me, because I am familiar with the circumstances.

3 He likes to play jokes on others, but is very sensitive to others' jokes.