
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 10:12:21
We want to buy a rectangular plot on a rectangular vegetable field. We want our plot to be
as big as possible, but we only have the resources to grow a maximum of 2 different kinds
of vegetables on it. You are given a String[] field, where each character represents a square
in the field. All squares are of equal size. The j-th character of the i-th element of field
denotes the kind of vegetable that grows in the square at row i, column j - it's an uppercase
letter ('A' - 'Z'), where each letter denotes a different kind of vegetable. Return the area
of the biggest plot we can buy.

我们想买一块矩形的地在一块成矩形的蔬菜园里。我们所要的地越大越好,但是我们的钱只能种最多2种不同的蔬菜。 你被给了一行[]区域,其中每个字符代表一个方块。所有的方块都是一样的尺寸。在I元素里字符J代表在I行J栏的方块里可以种植的蔬菜。符号都是大写字母(A-Z),其中每个字母代表了一种蔬菜名。回答我们可以购买的最大面积的土地。

