
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 10:22:15

There is a story telling that Yangshi,a great scholar in ancient times, once went to visit his teacher,Chengyi.The teather was at sleep when he arrived there. At that moment, there are snowflakes flying over the head and it was very cold. Yangshi was just in there waiting his teather awake for fear that he would break down the teather's dream. When the teather woke up, the accumulated snow under the Yangshi's foot had been very deep and the teather was so moved for his spirit.

Far at north Sung period, Fukien's hasing the east county is of enter private, he specially the favour delve into knowledge, knowledge is very high, but he is still modest and careful, not the Jiao be not irritable, teacher respect friend.
A day, to the distance Yi claim knowledge, but unfortunately catch up the teacher is taking a nap son in the house.Hence quiet sign doorway, wait a teacher
Wake up.In a short while, the day starts to float goose hair heavy snow, but still sign in