
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 18:28:22
The idea that America is exceptional in its material opportunities is deeply lodged in the culture. For as long as the country had a western frontier with territory beyond, internal migration was just as bold a venture as crossing the ocean had been for the first settlers, and just as promising for the ambitious and self-reliant. The late-19th and early-20th centuries brought rapid industrial development, which nourished the American idea in anew way. Rising incomes made each succeeding generation more prosperous-----and they rose so fast that people even felt more prosperous. But that phase ,too, has ended. Incomes are now rising more and more slowly from generation to generation. Fewer adults today, it seems ,expect their children to do better than they did. Pessimism vies with vitality for command of the national consciousness.

美国人理想的特别之处在于它的物质社会植根于它的文化。 正是由于这个国家西部的辽阔的土地,那些西部开发的先锋就如是当初穿洋过海的移民一样富有雄心和冒险精神,他们通过自力更生成了那里的第一批定居者。 19世纪末和20 世纪初带来工业的迅速发展,这使得美国人有了新的理想。 收入不断增加使得这个时代表现出更为繁荣的景象 -----并且发展如此迅速以致于人们甚至感到更繁荣。 但是这个时段已经结束。从一代人到另一代人,现在美国人感到收入增长的速度越来越慢。 今天的认为自己的孩子比自己做得更好的越来越少。 悲观主义与生存竞争已经成为国人普遍担忧的严重的问题。
