
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 01:31:45
far from 地道吗?

A is nothing compared with B.

not by a long sight

相差极远, 远不如
not to be compared with

Be eclipsed by sb.

The school has gone down since a quite number of experienced teachers retired

much less , much interior, well below 等都是远不如的意思,
1. 其实这远不如听起来那么极端。
That is much less radical than it sounds.
2. 许多条件远不如玛莎的人都已结了婚。
Many people have married whose chances to do so were much inferior to Miss Martha's.
3. 谈到电脑知识,我是远不如我的儿子。
As far as computer knowledge is concerned, I take a backseat to my son.
4. 然而,银行业已经远不如过去那样本地化。
Nevertheless, banking is much less local than it used to be.
5. 老虎见驴子的力气远不如自己,心里很高兴。
The tiger was happy to find that the donkey was much weaker than it.
6. 虽然国民经济不断增长,有些人获益远不如另一些人多。
Althrough the growth of the national economy is continous, some p