
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 17:42:41

The Thorn Bird 荆棘鸟 Lyrics by Iris 作词:择荇 composed by Uematsu Yasunori 《Reincarnation》 作曲:上松范康《Reincarnation》 Performed by Feelin & Veronica Mix by Beulah 后期混缩:不纯 Translated by Iris 中译:择荇 Playbill painted by Sirius 海报封面手绘:Sirius Sky turning gray, as dark as eyes still awake, 灰色的天,暗如未睡的双眼, Painted by winds and snow, and strands of sunset glow. 由清风落雪所描绘,还有落霞的云烟。 Wings sealed in day, began to fly in twilight. 双翼被白日所封印,在暮色中渐渐展开, She was waiting, until the night came. 她一直等待,直到夜晚的到来。 Thorn bird, searching for the tallest thorn tree, 荆棘鸟,找寻最茂盛的荆棘。 (pilgrims strayed acoss this forest, 朝圣者穿过这片密林 worshiping on their bended knees. 膜拜着跪下双膝 ) Piously got to sing, and to chant, for her destiny, 她虔诚地高歌且低吟,唱着她的命运。 Finally ,she chose to be free. 直到最后,她选择自由的生命。 Return again , return again, 归来吧! Without anyone to refrain. 任何人都无力抗拒。 She impaled with a thorn 她用荆棘穿透, her soft throat kissed by god, 被上帝吻过的歌喉, To carve an eternal scar. 刻下的伤痕会留到永久。 Reborn again, reborn again, 重生吧! Without any despair or pain.