
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 08:24:27
1.经历了这场战争,问题非但没有得到解决,两种文明之间深深的敌意却逐渐产生。(in the wake of;set in;over and above)
3.首先,在夸张的溢美之词面前,我们绝不骄傲,这样我们才能战胜困难,取得更大的成功。(first and foremost;triumph over)
4.记者们蜂拥而上,前去欢迎载誉归来的英雄。在一片鲜花和掌声面前,英雄激动地畅说了自己的这次太空之旅。(in droves;wax eloquent)
5.置身于群山之中,他诧异于自然的奇美,完全忘却了尘世的烦恼。(marvel at;be oblivious of)
6.多么遗憾,他到来的时候,正好我们又要走了。(coincide with)
7.不愿再整日无所事事,只是沉溺于昔日的成功,他决定开始一项新的事业。(hang around;embark on)
8.我们坐在那里,完全被她的美貌迷住了,忽视了她话中的言外之意。(be entranced by;import)
9.整个事件意味着什么,仍然不清楚。(be up for grabs)
10.随着生活节奏的加快,人们感到时间的紧迫,驾车的速度越来越快。马路就像赛场跑道,高速行驶的汽车严重威胁着行人的安全。(race track;sorely)
11.现如今人们对汽车的依赖性越来越强,即使是上下班只有1英里的路程,也要驱车前往。(a round trip to work;resort to)
12.中国制造的商品以其物美价廉赢得了世界各国消费者的青睐。(win one's heart)
13.中国的汽车工业白手起家,逐渐发展到如今这样的规模。但是,它仍然处于初级阶段,对其设定过高的质量标准是不切合实际的。(from scratch)

1. In the wake of this war, the problem has not been set in well, instead, the deep hostility between the two cultrues sprout over and above.

2. One of the lasting legacy of this action is that it provides a unique perspective for us to realize the importance of a better evironment.

3. First and foremost, we must never be proud before the exaggerated praises, so that we can triumph over the difficuties and make greater efforts.

1. Experienced the war, the problem has not been resolved, two deep hostility among civilizations is emerging.
2. This action a lasting impact is that it provides us with a unique perspective, we realised that a good environment precious.
3. Firstly, in the face of exaggerated acclaim, we are not proud of the way we can overcome the difficulties and achieve greater success.
4. Gulf Arab reporters, went to welcome the victorious return of the hero. Flowers and applause in the face of a hero Cheong said excitedly