
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/08 14:25:20
要地道的说法,发音好象是 ok duoki(拼音)

Okie dokie


也有回答Yes, commander.

而平时一般人则习惯说YES SIR.

yes sir

...一般是 YES SIR 把..

Okie dokie来自美式英文, 是OK的变体, 表示赞同,许可. 最初来自1839年波士顿报纸的文字游戏栏目中, 作为"oll korrect" ("all correct(都对)"的变体)的首字母缩略字. 在随后的1840美国总统大选中, 政客们利用对OK的不同解释来扩大知名度, 拉选票, 同时也使OK名声大振. 美国内战确定了OK在语言中的地位. 十九世纪后期, OK开始了向英国以及世界各地的扩张.
kay or 'kay,
k or kk (短信中常用),
'mkay, m'kay or mkay,
Okey dokey, Okey Doke or Okie Dokie Okily dokily,
A-ok, Okey,
Okee or Okie

Okay is a term of approval, assent, or acknowledgment, often written as OK or O.K.. This is also known as AOK. When used to describe the quality of a thing, it denotes acceptability. However, its usage can also be strongly approving; as with most slang, its usage is determined by context.The historical record shows that O.K. appeared as an abbreviation for "oll korrect" (a conscious misspel