
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 08:26:06

乔家大院Courtyard of Family Qiao
Shanxi, to the ground relics of the HSBC, said underground energy masterpiece. Today, he ordered a large number of traditional houses to discover the art of architecture and worldwide attention. These exquisite incomparable and the House of intact, to their eternal truth, we look forward to the civilization of Interpretation interpretation, we look forward to the glorious history of the interpretation of Shanxi.

The wisdom of the Chinese nation and hardworking spirit, and created a towering wall, the solemn palaces, beautiful gardens, but also created a variety of House of. These have their own unique House of fresh life. Zheng Xiaoxie famous architectural experts said, "Beijing is the National Palace Museum, a terracotta warriors and horses in Xi'an, Qixian County has 1,000 homes." China's historical and cultural city - Qixian County residents, Set Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing of the French, the Department of the Hebei J