handicapped 和disabled有什么区别

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 06:39:28

handicapped 特指那些先天有缺陷的人


handicapped 带有贬义
disabled 比较中性

Quoted from thefreedictionary.com
People who have a physical or mental disability considered as a group. Often used with the.
Usage Note: Although handicapped is widely used in both law and everyday speech to refer to people having physical or mental disabilities, those described by the word tend to prefer the expressions disabled or people with disabilities. Handicapped, a somewhat euphemistic term, may imply a helplessness that is not suggested by the more forthright disabled. It is also felt that some stigma may attach to the word handicapped because of its origin in the phrase hand in cap, actually derived from a game of chance but sometimes mistakenly believed to involve the image of a beggar. The word handicapped is best reserved to describe a disabled person who is unable to function owing to some property of the environ