I'm a boy of 17. I'm very curious about sex and have always wanted to watch some sex vidoes

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 14:55:54
Before having my computer connected to the Internet, I promised my mom I would never do anything that is not suitable for me. Now, I am really puzzled. I really want to satisfy my desire


it is normal for youth,but you should pay more attention to other things such as making friends,study,sports,etc.

thats a pretty common thing...

you can watch it now... cause the sooner or later you will know this kinda stuff..

but just dont do anything silly eg: go and rape a girl to satisfy your desire

and always put your studies ahead... cause you are about to enter a university now..

You'er so young.
Remember that you have a long life in front of you. You can enjoy sex in you later life. Besides, there are something more interesting than sex.Making friends, etc.