
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/09 13:52:28
On the M14*1.5 thread there is a huge burr so the gage's will not gage. we pitched the 1 st couple of threads which came out to be o/s to 13.008/13.108, standard pitch being 12.854/12.994. The thread beyond the first couple are within tolerance. They tried to grind down the burr but it only goes so far and when they try to gage it. it just digs the burr back up created a larger burr. The major DIA is supposed to be 13.732-13.968. they are measuring any where between 13.62 to 13.87.

关于规格m14 * 1.5的螺丝上有一个不小的毛边,测量仪将忽略不计。我们根据一对螺纹将规格定位在O / s到13.008/13.108 ,标准强度在12.854/12.994之间 。螺纹在一对以内都是允许的。他们试图磨下来毛刺,但他们尝试过,它只是磨成目前这种状态。它只是磨回毛刺而且产生了一个更大的毛刺。大直径的应该在13.732-13.968之间 。他们衡量任何地方的标准是13.62至13.87 。

在规格为m14 * 1.5的螺丝上有一个不小的毛刺,测量仪不能测量。我们选取了第一对螺丝测量,他们的尺寸按照o/s是13.008/13.108,而标准尺寸为12.854/12.994. 第一对螺丝之后的都在公差范围内。他们试图磨下毛刺,但却将它变得更坏。在测量时,这种做法将毛刺挖深了,变成了更大的毛刺。较大的直径应在13.732-13.968,但测量的结果是,在任意位置,其尺寸均在13.62 到 13.87。