linkinpark 专辑销量

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 23:16:41
所有发行的专辑销量总和。不要告诉我可能是多少。要有消息来源。还有hybrid theory , meteora ,minutes to midnight三张分别销量。minutes to midnight的就算到截止到现在的数目吧。最好是官方公布的数据。

10月24日是《Hybrid Theory》发行七周年纪念日,在这七年里,《HT》这张专辑在美国共卖出 10,000,000张,在全球范围内更是卖出了 20,000,000张

  Meteora1600万张 (官方数据,但是不知道截至日期)

  据Nielsen SoundScan统计,《Minutes to Midnight》在美国上市首周就卖出了62万3千张。以下是正文
  Wednesday, October 24, 2007

  hybrid theory anniversary

  it's very strange to think that it was seven years ago today that hybrid theory, our first album on a major label, was finally in stores. we were in seattle to play a show, and i was driving our RV with a trailer full of our gear behind it. we didn't have any crew to help us move, setup, or tune our gear--we were doing everything ourselves. we were all pretty tired, and we hit seattle around midnight. i was racing to try to get to the (now extinct) tower records just before the clock struck 12 so they would let us in to buy our album.

  we got there at about 12:05, and the lights were still on in the record store. we jumped out and ran to the window, knocking and yelling