
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 14:55:41

arm in arm 臂挽着臂
hand in hand手拉着手
side by side 肩并着肩
face to face 脸对着脸
back to back 背对着背
shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩
neck and neck (赛跑时)并驾齐驱
on and on 不断地
more and more 越来越多
again and again 一再,再三
by and by 不久,逐渐
lots and lots 许许多多
one by one 一个个,逐一
little by little 一点点,逐渐
word for word 一个字一个字地,逐字地
step by step 一步一步地